Samangan's Farmers Recieved 200 Tons of Improved Wheat Seeds and Fertilizer

Aqrab 18: November 8,2020
The process of dispensing 200 Metrics Tons of improved Wheat seeds and chemical Fertilizers has begun to 1,000 farmers in Samangan province.
Mohammad Rahman Arghandiwal, Samangan's Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation Director said that 50 Metrics Tons of improved Wheat seeds, 50 Metrics Tons of black chemical Fertilizer and 100 Metrics Tons of white chemical Fertilizer would be dispensed to farmers as a subsidy.
Only 40% of the cost of these improved seeds is paid by the farmers and the other 60% get's paid by the Ministry of Agriculture.
The head of Samangan Agriculture added, that the purpose of dispensing the improved seeds is to pave the way for increasing Wheat Yields.
He stated, that Based on the experience of the past years, these improved seeds have been produced and propagated in the country itself, which is compatible with the Soil and climate of the country and yiel6ds more than other Wheat seeds.