Meeting of the Minister of Agriculture with the Ambassador of Turkey

2 March 2023
Mawlavi Ataullah Omari, the Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, met with Jihad Ergin Ay, the Turkish Ambassador to Afghanistan, and discussed bilateral cooperation in the direction of the development of Afghanistan's agriculture and livestock. The Minister of Agriculture expressed the message of sympathy of the Afghan nation to the victims of the recent earthquakes and the human casualties of the Turkish people, and called Turkey one of the partners of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. And we hope to continue these cooperations, Turkey is a good example for the development of agriculture and livestock, we will try to use your experiences as well to help the people of our country and the people of Afghanistan.
Also, the Minister of Agriculture asked the Turkish ambassador to encourage Turkish investors to come to Afghanistan and invest in the agriculture and livestock sector, because Afghanistan is a good platform for investment and work in these two important sectors."
At the same time, the Turkish ambassador mentioned his trip to several provinces of Afghanistan and described this Afghanistan as a place for agriculture and livestock. In this assembly, Mawlawi Fazal Bari Fazli, Deputy Minister of Finance and Administration, a number of heads and advisers of the Ministry of Agriculture and diplomats of the Turkish Embassy in Kabul were also present.