Investigating the effective use of water and increasing the level of land productivity by the Ministry of Agriculture

Sat, Aug 07 2021 5:35 PM
Investigating the effective use of water and increasing the level of land productivity by the Ministry of Agriculture

Asad 16: August 7, 2021
Meeting was held with participation of Deputy Minister of Irrigation and Natural Resources of the Ministry of Agriculture, Agriculture and Irrigation Specialists, directors of the Directorate of New Irrigation Technologies and the project manager, advisors to the Department of Irrigation and Natural Resources and representatives of partner agencies, departments and projects on water efficiency and land use.
In this meeting, the technical team explained how to use water efficiently, increase land productivity and proper use of effective irrigation methods and agricultural promotion methods and made suggestions in this regard.
Hashmatullah Ghafouri, deputy MAIL led the technical team to prepare a comprehensive plan for the efficient use of water from the source to the field and increase the level of land productivity. Adding that the plan should include how to increase the productivity of existing agricultural lands and, in addition to horizontal development, also include vertical development of agricultural products to make the best use of each cubic meter of water and the most per square meter of land. The result should be harvested.
In this meeting, it was decided that the members of the technical team, after a thorough study in the relevant sections, will present the results of their studies in the next meeting.

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