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Mon, Dec 28 2020 4:38 PM
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Achievements of Badakhshan Agriculture Directorate in in fiscal year 1399

Jadi 8: December 28, 2020r
Badakhshan Agriculture, in the fiscal year 1399, had a budget of 275 million 265 thousand 71 AFN in agricultural sector. This budget has been spent in various. . .

Mon, Dec 28 2020 3:03 PM
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Completed Work of Parwan in fiscal year 1399 in Agriculture Sector

Jadi 8: December 28, 2020
The Parwan Directorate of Agriculture says that this year, within the framework of agricultural product management program, the construction of 200 onion. . .

Mon, Dec 28 2020 9:45 AM
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Daikundi Directorate of Agriculture informs the residents of Miramur and Shahrastan districts about Agricultural activities of this year

Jadi 7: December 27, 2020
Officials of Daikundi Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock during a visit to Miramur district of the province, in a meeting with the residents. . .

Sun, Dec 27 2020 4:34 PM
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Minister of Agriculture meets with Pakistani Ambassador in Kabul: Talks on improving agricultural trade between two countries

Jadi 7: December 27, 2020
Dr. Anwarul Haq Ahady, minister of agriculture, irrigation and livestock, met with Mansour Ahmad Khan, Ambassador of Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Kabul,. . .

Sun, Dec 27 2020 4:12 PM
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Herat Directorate of Agriculture distributes 200 value-added packages of Regiment Medicinal Plant in the province

Jadi 7: December 27, 2020
The Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock of Herat Province, through the implementation of Natural Resource Development Projects, distributed. . .

Sun, Dec 27 2020 2:49 PM
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Ahady & General Director of Policy and Planning Discuss Dairy Self-Sufficiency Plan

Jadi 7: December 27, 2020
Dr. Anwarul Haq Ahadi, minister of agriculture, irrigation and livestock, met Shakib Sharifi, general director of Policy and Planning, and other officials of. . .

Sun, Dec 27 2020 1:45 PM
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With construction of an irrigation Network in Nangarhar, the production of 800 hectares of land dived into two seasons.

Jadi 7: December 27, 2020
With the construction of the "Bandi" irrigation network in Kuzkenar district of Nangarhar province, the beneficiaries of this network will now get two seasons. . .

Sat, Dec 26 2020 4:11 PM
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Distribution of Animal feed to more than one thousand farmers begins in Samangan

Jadi 6: December 26, 2020
The process of distributing 80 tons of animal’s feed to more than one thousand farmers began in Aibak, the capital of Samangan province.
At opening ceremony of. . .

Sat, Dec 26 2020 3:15 PM
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Increasing of Onion Production in Current Year

Jadi 6: December 26, 2020
According to prediction, onion production will increase by 10 to 20% this year compared to last year. Last year, 3,520 tons of onions were produced throughout. . .
