Distribution of Animal feed to more than one thousand farmers begins in Samangan

Jadi 6: December 26, 2020
The process of distributing 80 tons of animal’s feed to more than one thousand farmers began in Aibak, the capital of Samangan province.
At opening ceremony of distributing the animal feed, Mohammad Rahman Arghandiwal, director of agriculture, irrigation and livestock of Samangan, said that the amount of animal feed was 80 tons which were earmarked by German government to 1,032 livestock affected by Corona virus epidemic in Aibak.
Mr. Arghandiwal added, “This animal food is called "cantesrite” or (complete animal feed supplement) which is combined and produced of ten types of materials, which 300 grams is considered per sheep per day.”
The Director of agriculture, irrigation and livestock of Samangan continued, that according to this plan, they are going to distribute 80 kilograms of animal feed to each farmer.