Satisfactory Products of Samangan Peasants from Aloe Vera Dramatic Shows

Hoot 13: March 3, 2021
The Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock of Samangan Province said that with the construction of five Aloe Vera shows by (Actid ) Institute with the financial support of Norway in this province, the farmers have obtained satisfactory results from these plays.
Based on the mentioned directorate, these plays, which were built a year ago, have yielded good results.
Farah-Uddin, one of the beneficiaries of these plays, said that he has earned 26,000 AFN by selling aloe vera leaves alone by building a 72-square-meter greenhouse.
Aloe vera as a valuable medicinal plant is one of well-known products in medicine. It is not only used as a plant for nutrition like fruit juice, but also as one of the most effective products in medicine and beauty such as moisturizing and clearing the skin.