An Emergency Project launched for farmers’ protection in Daikundi

Mon, Mar 29 2021 4:59 PM
An Emergency Project launched for farmers’ protection in Daikundi

Hamal 9: March 29, 2021
A public benefit project called "Emergency Aid to Protect Farmers" was inaugurated officially in presence of local officials in Daikundi province.
Sayed Abdul Wahed Firoozi, provincial director of Agriculture of the mentioned province, said that this project included distribution of improved seeds, black and white manure, animal feed to farmers and distributing cash to those families who are affected by Corona-virus, adding that this AID taken place in Nile, the capital of the province and Sang- Takht and Bandar districts.
He said.  “The project costs more than 116,000 $ which is funded by Food Agricultural Organization (FAO) and implemented by Directorate of Agriculture and Afghan Institute.”
Mr. Firoozi added that 50,000 families will benefit from this project. Adding that improved seeds and black manure will be distributed to 2,000 families in first stage, cash will be distributed to 2,000 families for their labor in second stage, and animal feed will be distributed to 1,000 families in third stage.

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