26 Farms grow Fish in Kapisa

Sat, Dec 12 2020 2:35 PM
26 Farms grow Fish in Kapisa

Qaws 20: December 10, 2020
Officials at the Kapisa Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock say, "26 fish farms have been established in the province so far in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock and private sector."
Kapisa is one of the provinces which has the best climate for fish farming which produced 15 metric tons of fish meat and about 270,000 chickens this year.
Sayad is one of the suitable markets for fish supply. In this market, not only the domestic fish production of this province is sold, but also fish from other provinces and abroad are entered to this market.
Sayad Fish has a special reputation and quality that has many fans and every year thousands of people visit this recreational place to eat the fish of Sayad, which has provided work opportunities for a number of residents of this place.
This demand has changed Kapisa to (a good breeding ground for fish farming.

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