199 Potato and 50 Onion warehouses put into operation in Daikundi

Mon, Nov 30 2020 11:53 AM
199 Potato and 50 Onion warehouses put into operation in Daikundi

Qaws 10: November 30, 2020
Exploitation 199 Potato and 50 Onion warehouses began with the opening of a Potato warehouse as simple in the (Bandbarlan) area of the shahr-stan district.
The ceremony was attended by Mohammad Zia Hamdard, Governor of Daikundi, Heads of provincial institutions, people's representatives in the Provincial Council and a number of citizens.
Sayed Abdul Wahid Firoozi, Director of Agriculture's, irrigation and livestock in Daikundi province, said" that 199 Potato stocks and 50 Onion stocks were among the total Agricultural management projects implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture at a total cost of 130 Million Afghanis in eight districts of Daikundi and were ready to be used.
The Director of Daikundi’s Agriculture stated "that the purpose of implementing Agricultural management projects is to increase the value of Agricultural products, encourage farmers, entrepreneurship and the growth of the family economy
The Governor of Daikundi expressed satisfaction with the implementation of Agricultural management projects in the province: Since the basis of the economy of the Daikundi community is Agriculture, the implementation of such projects can be extremely effective and beneficial for farmers and the growth of Agricultural products in the province.
Mr. Hamdard said "the local government is also committed to investing in the Agricultural sector and developing Daikundi crops with the cooperation and coordination of the central government.
The Governor of Daikundi added "that Agricultural management projects have been implemented in the most urgent areas, and that people are expected to use and care for the building properly.
Haji Javaheri, a member of the Provincial council, thanked the Department of Agriculture and said "that the Daikundi Department of Agriculture has implemented public benefit projects in the province and they want to continue such projects in the coming years.
Earlier, on the third of April of this year, the construction of 18 Apples cold storages out of a total of 21 cold storages built in the framework of the Agricultural product management project in Daikundi was completed, and put into operation.


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