Dried Apricots in Bamyan has risen by 10 percent this year

Wed, Nov 25 2020 2:47 PM
Dried Apricots in Bamyan has risen by 10 percent this year

Qaws 5: November 25, 2020
The Department of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock of Bamyan Province says that the production of Dried apricot in this province has increased by ten percent this year.
Abdul Wahab Mohammadi, Head of Bamyan Agriculture's department, said that about 1,800 Metric Tons Dried Apricots had been produced this year.
According to him, the reason for the increase in production is the yield of a number of apricot seedlings that were planted a few years ago.
Most of the Apricots Orchards are located in Kahmard, Sighan, Yakawlang districts, number one and two, Shebar and Vers.
Most of the fruit of these trees is consumed in domestic markets and neighboring provinces.
The most famous types of slaughtered in Bamyan are Chapehnamak, Dukak, Gholing Janoo, Bargak Saqi, Bargak Sadeh, Gholing and they have better taste.

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