1,450 family members of Bamyan Pasture Conservation Associations received Low-consumption Trivet

Sat, Nov 21 2020 9:52 AM
1,450 family members of Bamyan Pasture Conservation Associations received Low-consumption Trivet

Aqrab 29: November 19, 2020
The Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock has started distributing 1,450 low-consumption Trivets to member families in seven Pasture Conservation Associations in Yakawlang and Punjab districts.
The Trivets are distributed through the Ministry of Agriculture through the Afghanistan-based Sustainable Land and Forest Management Project in Afghanistan, in technical cooperation with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
At the beginning of the program, 850 low-consumption Trivet were distributed to 850 members of the Pasture Conservation Association in Yakawlang district in the presence of Mohammad Azim Farid, Yakawlang district Governor, Director of Agriculture, irrigation and livestock in Bamyan and other local officials.
The purpose of distributing these Trivets is to reduce the pressure on Natural Resources, reduce the use of Mountain shrubs and reduce Air pollution caused by fuel by local communities.
To date, the project has established seven Pasture management associations to rehabilitate pasture areas in Bamyan.
The project "Sustainable Management of land and forests with the participation of the community" is one of the projects of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, which operates in five provinces, including Bamyan.
This project is implemented with the technical cooperation of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
The World Environment Fund is funding the project.

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