More Than 200,000 animals of Nomadic have been treated in Kabul

Hoot 6: February 24, 2021
The Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock of Kabul Province reported that more than 2174 animals of Nomadic have been treated and about 207,568 doses of vaccines against Sari diseases, such as anthrax, pasteurizes, rickets and plague have been applied to small ruminants this year.
Also, seventeen field veterinary units have been adapted to provide services to domestic livestock holders , over 27,714 domestic anti-parasitic nomadic livestock, and 17 field veterinary units have been supported financially and technically.
In addition, 49 livestock development and capacity building groups have been distributed to 588 nomads to prevent coved-19 disease and to raise 21,350 kilograms of dense feed for livestock. Also, 854 cattle’s have been distributed to 349 families.
During this year, a clinic repaired in Paghman, a clinic was built in Qarabagh district to provide more services. Seven hundred farmers have also received financial and technical support.
The capacity of 400 nomadic cattle breeders in various fields of animal husbandry and animal health has been increased and also 134 wool weaving machines have been distributed to nomadic cattle breeders.