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Mon, Sep 21 2020 10:26 AM
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Three-year achievement of an alternative Livelihood Project in the three Northern province: Distribution of 4,690 Tons of Oilseed seeds to Farmers

 Sunbola 31: September 21, 2020
 The ACTED's Alternative Project, funded by »UNODC« has trained 4,690 Farmers in Oilseeds and fertilizers over the past three years in Balkh, Jawzjan. . .

Sun, Sep 20 2020 3:32 PM
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Future plans need to be implemented more effectively

Sunbola 30: September 20,2020
 Dr. Anwar al-Haq Ahady, the nominee and acting Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, attended the Deputy Minister of Irrigation and Natural Resources. . .

Sun, Sep 20 2020 3:25 PM
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Joint survey of the Ministry of Agriculture and the National Statistics Office: Wheat Yields reached more than 5.1 Million Tons this Year

Sunbola 30: September 20,2020
 The results of a joint survey by the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock and the National Bureau of Statistics and Information show that. . .

Sun, Sep 20 2020 2:30 PM
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A number of Balkh Farmers Received Fifty packages of Ferula collection

Sunbola 30: September 20,2020  
 The Department of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock of Balkh Province, in cooperation with the SNaPP-2 Second National Priority Support Program,. . .

Sat, Sep 19 2020 5:17 PM
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With the Rehabilitation of a Canal, 3 Acres of land irrigated in Qadis District

Sunbola 29: September 19,2020
 The Department of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (DAIL) of Badghis province says that with the rehabilitation of an Irrigation Canal 3 acres of. . .

Sat, Sep 19 2020 5:09 PM
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More than 14,000 Tons Improved Seeds will be distributed to Farmers this Year

 Dr. Anwarul Haq Ahady, Acting and nominee Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, met with officials of the National Union of Seed Companies in his office today, and said. . .

Sat, Sep 19 2020 3:44 PM
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The Yield of Parwan Apples will reach more than 16 Thousand and 500 Tons this year

 Dehqan Weekly, Shafiqullah Nouri
 The Department of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock of Parwan Province says that the Yield of Apples in this province will increase by 5% and it. . .

Sat, Sep 19 2020 2:38 PM
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Faryab Grapes Yields Increase by nearly 10 Percent: This year's harvest is more than 68,000 Tons

Dehqan weekly, Shafiqullah Noori
Faryab Agriculture Department reports a nearly 10 percent increase in Grape Yields in the province.
Abdul Kabir Farzam the Director of. . .
Thu, Sep 17 2020 12:10 PM
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there are 1,800 Hectares of Walnut Orchards in Badakhshan

Sunbola 27: September 17,2020
 Badakhshan province with its mountainous land is a good place for the growth of Walnut trees.
 There are about 1,800 Hectares of Orchards in the province,. . .
