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Mon, Sep 14 2020 9:21 PM
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Apple yields are being increased in Badakhshan

Sunbola 24: September 14,2020
The construction of new Orchards, the revitalization of Orchards and the guidance of Gardeners by experts from the Ministry of Agriculture. . .
Mon, Sep 14 2020 4:04 PM
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Dr. Anwarul Haq Ahadi was officially introduced as the Acting Minister and Minister of Agriculture

Sunbola 24: September 14, 2020
Dr. Anwar al-Haq Ahadi is officially introduced today by Dr. Fazal Mahmoud Fazli, General director of the Presidential Administration, as the Acting. . .
Mon, Sep 14 2020 2:23 PM
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Implementation of 336 Agricultural Projects in Jawzjan has been completed up to 50%

Sunbola 24: September 14, 2020
Implementation of 336 projects in the field of Agricultural Product Management in Jawzjan province has been completed up to 50%.
The Ministry of. . .
Mon, Sep 14 2020 2:13 PM
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Laying Hens and Poultry packages distributed to 120 women in Badghis Province

Sunbola 24: September 14, 2020
Badghis Agriculture Department in cooperation with the IRC Office, distributed 3,000 Laying Hens to 120 poor and eligible women in Qala-e-Naw, the. . .
Mon, Sep 14 2020 9:41 AM
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10 Tons of Saffron Onions distributed to farmers in Kabul

Sunbola 24: September 14, 2020
Distribution of 10,000 Kilos of Saffron Onions to farmers began in Kabul Province.
Omar Jan Mangal, Kabul's director of Agriculture said that. . .
Tue, Sep 08 2020 9:20 AM
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13 Saffron Demonstration Unite will be built in Badghis

Sunbola 18: September 8,2020
Following the efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture to increase production and improve the quality of Saffron in the country, 13 Saffron. . .
Tue, Sep 08 2020 9:14 AM
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27 Acres of Date Orchard will be built in Farah Province

Sunbola 18: September 8, 2020
Following the efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture to promote and support the cultivation and production of dates, the Department of Agriculture. . .
Mon, Sep 07 2020 2:54 PM
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Dairy Processing Packages were distributed to 1000 family and poultry packages were distributed to 500 families

Sunbola 17: September 7,2020
 Bamyan Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock Department distributes Dairy Processing packages to one thousand families and Poultry packages to 500. . .

Sun, Sep 06 2020 8:44 PM
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Annual yield of Nangarhar Dates Reaches by 150 Tons

Sunbala 16: September 6,2020
The Department of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock of Nangarhar Province says, that the yield of Date in this province increases every year. . .
