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Thu, Feb 18 2021 12:59 PM
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An Artificial Insemination Center Put Into Operation in Khak- Jabbar

Dalwa 30: February, 18, 2021
An artificial insemination center was put into operation in Khak Jabbar district of Kabul province.
Omarjan Mangal, Kabul's director of agriculture said,. . .

Thu, Feb 18 2021 11:29 AM
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Animal Diseases were prevented in Nimroz This Year

Dalwa 30: Febrauary, 18, 2021
The Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock of Nimroz Province, in the report of the fiscal year, said that as a result of implementation of. . .

Thu, Feb 18 2021 9:22 AM
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Women in Daikundi Receive 101 Greenhouses

Dalwa 30: February 17, 2021
The Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) has distributed 101 greenhouses to women farmers in Daikundi province.
Each of the greenhouse. . .

Wed, Feb 17 2021 3:25 PM
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The Private Sector Development Executive Committee (PriSEC) Team Meeting Was Held

Dalwa 29: February 17, 2021
A Meeting with the working team of the Private Sector Development Executive Committee (PriSEC) chaired by Mr. Hashmatullah Ghafoori , deputy minister of. . .

Wed, Feb 17 2021 2:31 PM
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240,000 Pets Vaccinated in Faryab This Year

Dalwa 29: February 17, 2021
The Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock of Faryab Province says that this year, 240,000 pets in the province have been vaccinated against. . .

Wed, Feb 17 2021 2:30 PM
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More than one ton of sesame oil is produced daily in Sar-e-Pul

Dalwa 29: February 17, 2021
The Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock of Sar-e-Pul province said that the production of sesame oil in this province reaches 1.38 metric. . .

Wed, Feb 17 2021 1:13 PM
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More than 200,000 saplings will be planted in Badghis

Dalwa 29: February 17, 2021
Badghis Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock launched planting campaign in the province. During this campaign, 211,983 saplings will be. . .

Wed, Feb 17 2021 11:23 AM
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31 Demonstration Units of Saffron and Wheat constructed in Nimroz

Dalwa 29: February 17, 2021
The Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) has produced ten demonstration units of saffron and twenty-two demonstrations units of wheat in. . .

Tue, Feb 16 2021 4:10 PM
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80 Hectares of New Gardens have been created and rehabilitated in Nimroz this year

Dalwa 27: February 15, 2021
The Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) has built and rehabilitated 80 hectares of new gardens in Nimroz province this year.
These. . .
