The issues of Daikundi Almond growers investigated; Daikundi Dairy Factory Booth is established in the new town of Nile

Sat, Dec 12 2020 2:32 PM
The issues of Daikundi Almond growers investigated; Daikundi Dairy Factory Booth is established in the new town of Nile

Qaws 22: December, 12, 2020
Almond and Dairy producers profounder their concerns in a meeting with the governor and officials of Daikundi province.
Almond growers, officials of dairy factories, producers' Unions, and officials of partner institutions had participated the meeting.
Almond producers and dairy activists considered the shortages in the market as their main problem.
After hearing their problems, Daikundi Governor Ahmad Zia Hamdard told growers, including almond growers, that if they worked harder on the quality of production, his administration would resolve the rest of their problems.
Meanwhile, due to the increase in sales of dairy factories, in coordination with Oxfam, it was decided to establish a booth for dairy factories in the new town of Nile in order to increase sales. Daikundi province is the largest producer of almonds in the country.


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