Holding a meeting to control the price of onions

Sat, Jun 12 2021 4:00 PM
Holding a meeting to control the price of onions

Jawza 22: June 12, 2021
A meeting was held under the leadership of Shirshah Amiri, deputy minister of Livestock and Agriculture to control the price of onions.
The meeting was attended by representatives of the Chamber of Agriculture, traders and the Ministry of Commerce, and discussed methods of managing production, exports, imports and the price of onion.
The participating traders demanded attention to the management of sales as well as the price of onions, and emphasized that the peasants should not be harmed.
Meanwhile, Shirshah Amiri, deputy minister of agriculture and livestock of the Ministry of Agriculture (MAIL), said, " The private sector must invest more in this area. However, MAIL has built thousands of small warehouses to store onions and to assist farmers, and the construction process of these warehouses are underway. "In current situation, which is the onion harvest season, the market must be controlled and the price of onions must not fluctuate."
Mr. Amiri stressed that a meeting with the Ministry of Finance is needed on how to control the price of onions in order to control the import of onions from neighboring countries. He said that this meeting will be held next week.
Jawza (June) is the beginning of the onion harvest season in the tropics, and this process will continue for several months.
Last year, Afghanistan's onion production reached more than 310,000 metric tons, and Afghanistan needs 450,000 tons of onions a year. Also in the past year, the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock has built about 3,500 onion stores in different parts of the country.

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