28 Afghan companies Participate in Gulf-Food International Exhibition 2021

Sun, Feb 21 2021 3:03 PM
28 Afghan companies Participate in Gulf-Food International Exhibition 2021

Hoot 3: February 21, 2021
Gulf-Food 2021 International Exhibition, which was held today, February 21, 2021 at World Trade Center in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and was attended by companies from 85 countries, 28 production, processing and trade companies of Afghanistan had also taken part.
Habibaullah Habibi, director of private sector development of the ministry of agriculture, irrigation and livestock, said that the mentioned exhibition is an exceptional and very important opportunity for Afghan traders to introduce Afghan agricultural and livestock products to the world.
Afghan traders participated in mentioned exhibition with the assistance of United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and coordination of the Ministry of Agriculture (MAIL) and showcased their products which included saffron, dried fruits, herbs, honey and processed fruits, and dozens of other products.
Gulf-Food International exhibition is one of the largest food exhibition in the world, with traders from more than 85 countries participate with their products.
This year, as previous years, tens of thousands of visitors and businessmen are expected to visit this exhibition.
This exhibition is held every year in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Last year, Afghan businessmen participated in it in collaboration with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Directorate of Agriculture.
Afghan products were welcomed at this exhibition and more than 100 million $ worth of contracts were awarded for the sale of Afghan agricultural and livestock products.
This year, following a joint effort directorate of agriculture, irrigation and livestock, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Afghan traders participated in the fair despite the limitations of the coronavirus, and these traders exhibited dozens of crops from Afghanistan. And Afghan traders are expected to win good deals on their products.
It should be noted that Gulf -wood 2021 International Exhibition will be held for four days from February 21 to 25 this year in the Dubai Mall.
Officials from Afghan Embassy in the United Arab Emirates also attended the exhibition.

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