25 Livestock Companies Receive Food Safety and Quality Management Certificates

Mon, Feb 08 2021 4:26 PM
۲۵ شرکت مالداری گواهی‌نامه مصونیت و مدیریت کیفیت مواد غذایی گرفتند

Dalwa 20: February 8, 2021
Twenty-five livestock companies received certificates of food safety and quality management from the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL).
The Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, Dr. Anwarul Haq Ahadi, said at a ceremony organized by the Livestock Value Chain Project or USAID (HACCP & ISO 9001) on the occasion of the award of these certificates that the mentioned certificates are for standard purposes and exported products.
Mr. Ahady praised the (USAID) Livestock Value Chain Project for standardizing animal’s products and called on the project to facilitate the Directorate of Agriculture in equipping animal and vegetable laboratories.
He also said that twenty-five companies which have received the certification can export their products internationally to motivate other investors and entrepreneurs. He also stressed the need to standardize products in accordance with international standards and increase capacity in this area.
At the ceremony, Abdul Karim Malekiar, acting deputy minister of trade and industry, also emphasized the standardization of products. "This year, the ministry of industry and trade signed a memorandum of understanding with MAIL, according to which all agricultural items with strong export potential will be identified, processed and packaged, and we will work together on standardization," he said. "By the end of 2021, most problems in standardization will be resolved."
Mr. Malekiar, meanwhile, said the process of obtaining business licenses has become very easy and traders can obtain licenses within a few hours.
Meanwhile, Ahmad Zakaria Ahmadzai, the director of Livestock Value Chain Project (HACCP), said that in coordination with the Ministry of Commerce, 24 companies have been helped so far to participate in international fairs in Germany, China and India.

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