This year, more than 60 Mushroom cultivation centers have been constructed

شنبه ۱۳۹۸/۱۱/۱۲ - ۱۳:۵۱
This year, more than 60 Mushroom cultivation centers have been constructed

Hashmatullah Habibi
This year, the ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock has constructed more than 60 mushroom cultivation centers in order to empower women and families.
The ministry of Agriculture constructed these centers through its NHLP; National Horticulture and Livestock project in order to develop nourishment and healthy food of families and to enhance and reinforce mushroom production.
The 60 above centers constructed in Kabul, Parwan, Panjshir, Kapisa, Logar, Paktia, Khost, Paktika, Ghazni, Maidan Wardak, Bamiyan, and Dikondi provinces for women only.
The Ministry of Agriculture has paid the whole expense of these productive centers by its NHLP project.
In addition, a set of tools which contains 19 items has been distributed for each mushroom center for the women.
The Ministry of Agriculture is also planning to construct 60 other mushroom centers in the country through its NHLP project in 1399.
In addition, it is to mention that the Family Economy Department of Ministry of Agriculture has promoted the cultivation of mushrooms in the capital and provinces for women agriculturists to raise their economy and develop nourishment, enhancing the level of food immune and to make occupation opportunities for families.
Mohammad Jamil, the general manager of nourishment of family economy department says, “The Family Economics Department has provided mushroom cultivation opportunity for 100 women in Farah last year. This year, we have also created a theoretical and practical educational center of mushroom cultivation for female agriculturists in Badam Bagh-Kabl; which 90 women from the capital and provinces has been trained about cultivation of mushroom practically and theoretically.”
Mr. Niazi adds, “The Family Economics Department is planning to train 70 women in Kabul in farming shellfish mushroom practically and theoretically in 1399 and also each of the women will cultivate a little farm of shellfish mushroom in their yards for themselves.”
Mushroom harvests four times annually, which typically 120kg mushroom is obtained yearly. One kilogram mushroom costs about 250-300 afs in the markets; which is a good outcome for the women.
The cultivation of shellfish mushroom is started to develop nourishment and food immune of families and to create occupation opportunities for women. By cultivating mushroom can obtain abundant of crops from a very small area.

تازه ترین اخبار

شنبه ۱۴۰۳/۵/۶ - ۱۵:۳۹
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