Saffron’s exhibition launches in Kabul

Sat, Jan 30 2021 3:44 PM
Saffron’s exhibition launches in Kabul
Afghanistan's largest exhibition of saffron held in Kabul through UASID-AVC-HVC project.
Dr. Anwarul Haq Ahady, minister of agriculture, irrigation and livestock, attended the exhibition and called saffron a valuable "commodity” of the country and said, “Climatic conditions are favorable for saffron growth in most provinces of the country.” Mr. Ahady, illustrating that the amount of Saffron’s production is increasing in the country, said that in 1399, Afghanistan's saffron production had reached 21 metric tons, of which 26 million US dollars were earned.
He said that Afghanistan has the highest level of saffron production in the world after Iran.
Anwarul Haq Ahady added that due to the expansion and growth of saffron, the Ministry of Agriculture MAIL will make saffron onions available to farmers freely. He emphasized that MAIL has also achieved good results in processing and packaging of saffron and a well-equipped saffron laboratory and institute has been built in Herat.
Meanwhile, Sayed Zaman Hashemi, director of chambers of commerce, says that 36 tons of saffron has been exported to India, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, the United States, Canada and China this year. He said Afghan saffron is being smuggled and sold to world markets under the name of other countries.
Homayoun Shim, deputy director of the mentioned project, said that the project works with producers and companies in 34 provinces in production, processing, packaging, training and management.
However, Samir Matin, chairman of afghan saffron organizing committee, said that the aim of launching the exhibition was to find out domestic and foreign markets as well as pave the way for attracting saffron investment and development, the mentioned exhibition has been held for three days at Kabul Intercontinental Hotel.


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