The Process of Distributing 3216 Poultry packages to Poor women Begins

Saratan 15: July 6, 2021
The Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) has commenced the process of distributing 3,216 poultry packages to poor women in seven provinces.
The distribution process of these packages was officially taken off today by Community Livestock and Agriculture project (CLAP) of MAIL.
Shirshah Amiri, deputy minister of agriculture and livestock of Ministry of Agriculture at starting of the distribution package said.” 3,216 poultry packages are going to be distributed to needy women in seven previously surveyed provinces. Adding that the distribution of poultry packages would support poor women in food security sector, create small job opportunities and improve their economic situation.”
A number of women who have benefited from the poultry packages have expressed their satisfaction with the assistance of the Ministry of Agriculture.
Hadya, one of the beneficiaries, said that by receiving poultry packages, a massive change will be revealed in her life. According to her, each domestic egg is sold for 10 to 12 AFN in domestic markets.
Rahima, another beneficiary, says that by selling eggs, she can support her children's school expenses and can assist support her family's economy.
Each poultry package includes 60 four-month-old chickens, six chicken feeder, six chicken waterer and 675 kilograms of chicken feed.