300 Farmers Receive Tools of Paddy Display Parts in Kunduz

Tue, Jul 13 2021 2:18 PM
300 Farmers Receive Tools of Paddy Display Parts in Kunduz

Saratan 22: July 13, 2021
The Kunduz Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock reports the distribution of paddy display tools to 300 farmers in the province.
Abdul Hadi Qarluq, Kunduz agriculture director, said that 300 display parts of paddy had previously been made by Ministry of Agriculture in the province, adding that work equipment had been distributed to the owners today. He added that using rice cultivation will increase yields by 25 to 30 percent.
Kunduz is one of the largest rice producing provinces in the country. The province produced 140,361 metric tons of rice from 46,811 hectares of paddy fields Last year.


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