Controversy against Tussock moth’s pests in Nuristan

Sat, Jul 03 2021 5:13 PM
Controversy against Tussock moth’s pests in Nuristan

Saratan 12: July 3, 2021
Tussock moth’s pests is a risky agricultural pest which is feed from leaves of the tree and if not disputed with it, it will cause the leaves to die and the trees to dry out.
A pair of this insect lays 150 to 250 eggs a year and they feed from leaves of the tree.
Controversy against Tussock moth’s pests in Nuristan province started while tens of thousands of trees were attacked and infected by this insect in some parts of the province.
The Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock of Nuristan Province has used chemicals and mechanical approaches to fight this type of plant pest.
In the first phase, with cooperation of gardeners in the villages of Wama district and Parun, the capital of the province, it sprayed 10 thousand fruitful and non-fruitful trees in nearly a month.
The second stage of this controversy is mechanical and begins in (Qaws) month December. At this stage, the peasants are taught the methods of collecting potted eggs from the branches.

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