Massive and standard Slaughter-house of Shakar-dara exploited in Kabul

Jawza 15: June 5, 2021
Shirshah Amiri, deputy minister for agriculture and livestock ministry of agriculture, irrigation and Livestock (MAIL), Inaugurated massive and standard Slaughter-house of Shakar-dara in presence of Abdul Rahim Zirak, deputy minister of finance and administration of Kabul Province, a number of directors of agricultural sector, district governors of Kuhda-man districts, a number of representatives of Kabul, and elders and residents of Northern of Kabul.
Mr. Amiri described the main aim of building this slaughterhouse to the participants. At the event, participants also propounded their suggestions in this regard.
Deputy MAIL said,” This is one of the five largest slaughterhouses in the country, built in four zones at a cost of 30 million $ funded by Asian Development Bank (ADF).The cost share spent at this Slaughterhouse is 6 million $. This slaughter- house was constructed to provide healthy and quality meat to the people.”
He added that these slaughterhouses are standard and the animals are basically slaughtered and the meat is processed and maintained for a long time. This slaughter-house is equipped and prepares legal meat, as well as providing employment opportunities for hundreds of people on a permanent basis.
He also expressed the determination of MAIL to implement agricultural and livestock projects and spoke about large capacity of livestock. He said that we have a capacity of about three billion dollars in livestock sector, there are good activities in the field of artificial insemination, animal treatment and progress in poultry sector, and we have specific plans for the future in these areas and the establishment of meat farms to implement.
He also spoke of allocating 70 million AFS to nomads, that this money will be used this year to make progress in increasing dairy production and raising livestock.
Abdul Rahim Zirak, Kabul’s deputy finance and administration also spoke about that issue, he congratulated this project to the people of Kuhdaman, saying that those animals are slaughtered in an Islamic way and job opportunities are provided for you people. We also ask the butchers to use and protect this slaughterhouse and slaughter the animals in it. He added that we are struggling to increase other projects as well.
Participants also welcomed the inauguration of the project and called for more attention from the people of Kuhdaman.
Gawhar Khan Babar, Shakar-dara district governor, also spoke at inauguration ceremony and noted some issues. He said that this is severalth project which we inaugurate this month. The Shah and Arus Dam is also located in the same district, and the Muhajireen Town is also here, which we inaugurated in the past few days, Using this project, the problems of the peasants in the north of Kabul will also be resolved.
General Safiullah, a member of the Kuhdaman People's Council, also spoke. "Kuhdaman districts are agricultural, all people have benefited from this project," he said. "We suffered a lot during the resistance and jihad. We hope that more attention will be paid to this geography and that other projects will be launched."
Haji Jan Agha, chairman of the Kajkan village people's council, was also among the speakers. "We hope that attention will be paid to marketing and preventing the infection of animals and vegetables, and that quality medicine will be imported into the country to produce quality vegetables and fruits," he said.
In response to their remarks, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Livestock of the Ministry of Agriculture said, "Thank you for pointing out the problems. Because when the will of the people is not raised, the officials do not understand. Now that you have mentioned it, we will definitely do something. Last year, about 12,000 warehouses were sorted. 1,200 health clinics provide animal services throughout the country. "We also pay attention to quality medicine."
Referring to this year's projects in Kabul province, he added, "This year we have 53 projects in all districts of Kabul at a cost of 394 million Afghanis which are being implemented. Kuhdaman districts are also included. "In the coming days, we will inaugurated slaughter-houses collection center, which is a positive step."
It is worth mentioning that MAIL has built five large slaughter-houses in four provinces, two of which are located in Kabul province.