Officials of Local Institutions brief the Nation about the carried out activities in Agricultural sector in Daikundi

Sun, Dec 20 2020 2:41 PM
Officials of Local Institutions brief the Nation about the carried out activities in Agricultural sector in Daikundi
Qaws 30: December 20, 2020
During a visit to Khadir district of Daikundi province, the officials of local institutions of Daikundi province has given information to residents of this district about their function and activities.
Sayed Abdul Wahed Firoozi, the director of agriculture of Daikundi, provided information on the activities carried out in the field of agriculture in the province this year, and announced the completion of tens of Agricultural infrastructure projects in Daikundi.
He said that 32 potato warehouses at a cost of 17,726,720 AFN, three onion warehouses at a cost of 1,476,000 AFN and two apple cold storages at a cost of 4,721,000 AFN have been built in Daikundi this year.
Distribution of 50 metric tons of improved wheat seeds at a cost of two million and four hundred thousand AFN, distribution of one thousand and 60 kilograms of saffron onions at a cost of 196 thousand and 608 AFN, construction of 497 acres of various orchards of various types, adaptation Plant pests and spraying of 18,100 trees, spraying of 60 acres of land for locust control, training of 500 farmers to grow saffron and control of plant pests will also be included in this year's activities in Daikundi province.
Also, 5,258 bergamot cultivators, 21,877 Ibero cultivators, 14,377 ridge cultivators, 2,100 contour cultivators, 115 kilograms of almond seeds, distributing and planting of 30 kilograms of rye seeds, As well as the distribution and cultivation of 89 Kg of mung bean seeds Includes the activities carried out in collaboration with “Afghanistan AID Institute” to regulate pastures and rehabilitate the forest.
Mod Air Institute with contribution of Daikundi Agriculture, this year in the field of construction of 328 Chakdam with a total capacity of 3,530 cubic meters of water, construction of 1,222 bergamot contours, construction of 70 arched walls, cleaning of 7,100 meters of barley, construction of 40 meters of stream, construction of 10 Tarnab with a total volume of 87 cubic meters of water, has distributed more than twelve types of vegetable seeds to 448 families.
Presenting this report, the evaluation committee praised the activities of the Daikundi Directorate of Agriculture during the current solar year.


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