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Tue, Nov 17 2020 5:38 PM
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On-farm training; Sharing the experience of planting Cauliflower with 45 farmers in Herat

Aqrab 27: November 17, 2020
Forty-five leading Herati farmers shared their work experience in planting and producing Cauliflower by working on a Cauliflower's show farm practically.
Thi. . .

Tue, Nov 17 2020 5:33 PM
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More than 240,000 Pets are vaccinated in Faryab

Aqrab 27: November 17, 2020
Pet vaccination campaign launched in Faryab province to protect animals against Sari (Flowing) diseases, including brucellosis.
In this campaign, 240,440. . .

Tue, Nov 17 2020 5:20 PM
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47,000 Liters of Milk are processed and supplied daily in Herat

Aqrab: 27: November 17, 2020
Milk processing companies in Herat province process about 47,000 Liters of processed Milk daily.
Officials from Herat's Agriculture Department say, that. . .

Tue, Nov 17 2020 5:10 PM
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Production of Raisins in Herat will reach 15,000 Tons this Year

Aqrab 27: November 17, 2020
The production of Raisins in Herat province will reach 15,000 Tons this year.
About 13,000 Metric Tons of Green raisins and 2,000 Tons of (Abjosh) Raisins. . .

Tue, Nov 17 2020 11:13 AM
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7,200 Farmers Received Wheat Seeds in Farah

Aqrab 27: November 17, 2020
Farah's Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock Department has started the process of distributing 360 Metrics Tons of modified Wheat seeds to 7,200 farmers in. . .

Tue, Nov 17 2020 10:09 AM
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Construction of 108 Potato warehouses in Maidan Wardak will be completed in a week

Aqrab 26: November 16, 2020
The Horticulture Value Development Project (HVCDSP) of the Ministry of Agriculture is constructing 108 Potato warehouses in Maidan Wardak province under. . .

Tue, Nov 17 2020 10:00 AM
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18,500 Farmers Received Modified wheat seeds in Balkh

Aqrab 26: November 16, 2020
The Department of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock of Balkh Province has started the process of distributing modified Wheat seeds to the farmers of this. . .

Tue, Nov 17 2020 9:57 AM
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A large part of Agricultural land protected from flood danger in Ghoor

Aqrab 26: November 16, 2020
The Department of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock of Ghoor Province, by building a protective wall and planting it, has protected a large part of. . .

Mon, Nov 16 2020 3:13 PM
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Only through a single project Ministry of Agriculture has distributed 188 Fruit and Vegetable Dryers to Agricultural Women this year

Aqrab 26: November 16, 2020
The Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock has distributed 188 Fruit dryers to women farmers in seven provinces this year through, Agricultural. . .
