Exploitation of 133 irrigation networks begins

Sat, May 01 2021 11:51 AM
Exploitation of 133 irrigation networks begins

Sawar 7: April 30, 2021
The Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) started the process of 133 new irrigation networks in 11 provinces during water and electricity Week.
Akbar Rostami, director of information and spokesman of MAIL, said that the mentioned networks were constructed in Nangarhar, Balkh, Herat, Baghlan, Logar, Kabul, Badghis, Parwan, Takhar, Kunduz and Badakhshan provinces.
He added that with construction of these networks, 56,843 hectares of agricultural land will be covered by irrigation this year. According to him, exploitation of these projects opens a new chapter in field of agriculture.
He further stated, “The ministry had spent 426,525,589 AFN to construct the networks in 11 provinces. He stressed that the sustainable goals of agricultural production, reducing poverty, improving food security, preventing water waste, reducing the negative effects of drought, increasing agricultural exports are among the aims of constructing these irrigation networks”.
Akbar Rostami added: "The implementation of these projects will raise the income level of farmers, create job opportunities and increase agricultural areas, Increasing yields by 20 to 30 percent and reducing waste by 20 to 30 percent is one of the main effects of adapting and exploiting these irrigation networks."
Annual irrigation of tens of thousands of hectares of land in the country leads to increased labor and agricultural production, which in turn leads to increased exports and economic growth.

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