Climate-Induced Disasters Risk Reduction Project (CDRRP)


The Climate-Induced Disasters Risk Reduction Project (CDRRP) is implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock and funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). It is a five year project started in September 2017 and will be ending in September 2022.

The project is being implemented in 30 Community Development Councils (CDCs) in Behsud, Kama, and Kuz Konar districts - Nangarhar province and Khanaqa, Feyzabad and Khwaja Do Koh districts - Jawzjan Province.


The project aims to improve preparedness and resilience of rural communities against climate-induced disaster risks.

Project Location



Project Partners

Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development, the National Environmental Protection Agency, Ministry of Energy and Water, Afghanistan Meteorological Department, the Office of State Minister to Disaster Management and Ministry of Women’s Affairs.


1 - Capacity development on climate information and weather-induced disaster risks

Developing local capacities (Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development, CDCs, provincial employees of the projects and volunteer communities) and access to information in line with climate change and the risk of life caused by natural disasters, preparations to reduce and prevent risks of natural disasters by conducting training programs and increasing awareness of the people in the villages and districts, hazard mapping of vulnerable areas at the risks of climate change.

The training programs focus on the risks related to weather, monitoring, tracking and analysis of weather data, and information is provided on high-impact risks of climate change on children, women, adults and people with disabilities.

2 - Community-Based Early Warning Systems (CBEWS)

Establish a continuous monitoring mechanism for climate risks to generate accurate and timely early warnings, and to use efficient communication channels and procedures for disseminating early warnings to vulnerable groups.

3. Resilient Livelihood Opportunities

Providing economic opportunities to increase local capacities of vulnerable groups particularly nomads and female heads of households through provision of alternative livelihood. These activities include the establishment of habitats and emergency shelters that can be used before and after incidents. The diversification of the livelihood opportunities of vulnerable populations through the introduction of high-value agricultural products, establishment of greenhouses, introduction of trellises, nurseries, production and processing centers, and irrigation infrastructures.

4. Institutional Strengthening & Regional Knowledge Sharing

Strengthened institutional capacities to integrate climate risks and opportunities into national and provincial development plans, policies, budgetary allocation and implementation mechanisms. Lessons and best practices of project results are shared through regional mechanisms.

Project Achievements

As a result of the project implementation, 25,000 rural residents and relevant stakeholders in 6 target districts in the two provinces will be provided with awareness-raising and technical trainings. Similarly, by establishing Community-Based Early Warning System (CBEWS) 30 villagers will have access to early warning information. Additionally, providing livelihoods and income generating opportunities to 1,000 families including 50 nomads and 20 women-headed families. The fourth component of the project is the knowledge and information sharing and empowerment of relevant institutions; after the implementation 162 people will receive technical trainings. Finally, 15,000 people including 7,500 women, will benefit directly from the project.


Construction of emergency shelter

Construction of a protection wall on Kunar river bank

Construction of an aqueduct

Establishment of 7 orange and lemon nurseries


Construction of 7 water reservoirs

Construction of water intake

Establishment of food production and processing center


Establishment of 6 greenhouses in Nangarhar and Jawzjan