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Mon, Apr 05 2021 3:58 PM
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722 Acres of new dense and non-dense gardens constructed in Badghis

Hamal 16: April 5, 2021
Agriculture and Rural Development Project of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) constructed 722 acres of new gardens during its spring. . .

Mon, Apr 05 2021 3:45 PM
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50 farmers of Bamyan Receive Ten thousands of Apple Saplings

Hamal 16: April 5, 2021
Bamyan Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock distributed ten thousands of apple saplings to 50 farmers in the province through Food Safety and. . .

Mon, Apr 05 2021 2:43 PM
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The campaign against Grasshopper begins in Kunduz

Hamal 16: April 5, 2021
Plant protection experts from Kunduz Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock have launched a campaign against grasshopper in the province.
Grasshopp. . .

Mon, Apr 05 2021 10:29 AM
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Herat Farmers Receive 40 Chopper Machines

Hamal 16: April 5, 2021
The Support to National Priority Program 2 (SNaPP2) project of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock (MAIL) has distributed 40 Chopper Machines. . .

Sat, Apr 03 2021 2:59 PM
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A Mechanical Dispute against Root-eating White Worm Kicks off in Kunduz

Hamal 14: April 3, 2021
Badghis Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock has announced lunching of a mechanical campaign against root-eating white-worm and reclamations of. . .

Wed, Mar 31 2021 4:40 PM
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MAIL Held an Advisory Meeting to enrich National Wheat Policy

Hamal: 11 March 31, 2021
The Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) has held a meeting to discuss how to enrich the national wheat policy, with the presence of Dr.. . .

Wed, Mar 31 2021 4:04 PM
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9,000 acres of new Pistachio Orchards to be built in Badghis

Hamal 11: March 31, 2021
Badghis Directorate of Agriculture announced the construction of 9,000 acres of pistachio orchards in Abkamari, Muqur, Qala-e-Naw, Bala- Murghab and Qades. . .

Wed, Mar 31 2021 3:24 PM
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Nangarhar & Balkh Agricultural products Showcased in Hazrat Ali shrine

Hamal 11: March 31, 2021
Balkh Municipality and Nangarhar Agriculture Directorate, in a joint action, displayed the agricultural products of the two provinces in order to establish. . .

Tue, Mar 30 2021 11:09 AM
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167 Dramatic Pieces of Cumin to be constructed in Faryab

Hamal: 10 March 30, 2021
Faryab Directorate Agriculture has distributed 501 kilograms of cumin seeds to 167 farmers for the construction of 167 Dramatic pieces. Each of these dramatic. . .
