Sat, Jan 02 2021 9:59 AM
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Achievements of Maidan Wardak Directorate of Agriculture in fiscal year 1399

Jadi 13: January 2, 2021
Maidan Wardak Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock says that they have designed and implemented instrumental programs in center and districts of. . .

Sat, Nov 28 2020 4:51 PM
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143 Onion and Potato Warehouses put into operation in Maidan Wardak at a cost of 83 Million Afghanis

Qaws 8: November 28, 2020
The Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock has completed the construction of 143 Potato and Onion warehouses in Maidan Wardak province under the. . .
Tue, Nov 17 2020 10:09 AM
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Construction of 108 Potato warehouses in Maidan Wardak will be completed in a week

Aqrab 26: November 16, 2020
The Horticulture Value Development Project (HVCDSP) of the Ministry of Agriculture is constructing 108 Potato warehouses in Maidan Wardak province under. . .