Daikundi Directorate of Agriculture informs the residents of Miramur and Shahrastan districts about Agricultural activities of this year

Jadi 7: December 27, 2020
Officials of Daikundi Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock during a visit to Miramur district of the province, in a meeting with the residents of Miramur and the Shahrastan informed them about this year's activities in the field of agriculture, irrigation and livestock.
Sayed Abdul Wahed Firoozi, provincial director of Agriculture, said, “Construction of 29 potato warehouses, 41 onion warehouses, eight apple cold storages as well as distribution of 45 tons of modified wheat seeds, 6,539 kilograms of Saffron’s onions for building demonstration units, 40 greenhouses for producing vegetables, Construction of 595 acres of different and modern orchards, implementation of 23,120 doses of brucellosis vaccine, controlling of plant pests in different areas of Miramur district and Shahrastan , training of farmers and pruning of fruit trees are among the most important activities of this year.”
He said that some institutions have been active in pasture management, forest restoration, planting grass and medicinal plants, establishing greenhouses in two districts of Shahrastan and Miramur, as well as equipping dairy factories, almond processing, building and equipping livestock farms, distribution of improved seeds and Chemical fertilizers.