150 Farmers Received Cotton Harvester in Balkh

Aqrab 5: October 26, 2020
Department of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock of Balkh Province, in cooperation with the Second National Priority Support Program (SNaPP-2), distributed Cotton Harvester to 150 Cotton-producing Farmers in Nahrshahi, Dehdadi, Balkh, Dawlatabad and Shulgara districts of the province.
These Harvester include Cotton aprons, Cotton canaries, Sun hats, Gloves, Museums and protective Masks for every Cotton Farmer.
The purpose of distributing these packages is to promote effective methods of harvesting cotton, prevent waste at harvest, Grading Crops at the field level, motivating Farmers to increase the cultivation of plants with high economic value, Improving the quality and Marketing of cotton crops.
It is noteworthy that the Farmers benefiting from these packages have already undergone a training course on how to harvest and post-harvest operations on Cotton, and also through contract farming with the private sector for Marketing and communication between Peasants and the private sector are connected to sell 90,619 KG of their Cotton products to the private sector at the current Market price.