Home Gardens have improved economy of women in Faryabi Province

پنجشنبه ۱۳۹۹/۷/۳ - ۲۲:۵۲
Home Gardens have improved economy of women in Faryabi Province
Mizan 3: September 24,2020
The construction of home Gardens by the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock with the help of some women's cooperation Organizations in Faryab province has improved the economic situation of their families.
Somayah, a resident of Dahsidan village in the capital of Faryab province says that she earned tens thousands Afghanis in a month from her Home Garden Products.
Somayah Said that It has been a year since these Home Gardens have been built by the Ministry of Agriculture, there have been many changes in our family economy, and we have about tens thousands Afghanis in monthly reserves.
Khadija, another woman in Faryab who has been given a Home Garden by the Ministry of Agriculture says that she earns more than 7,000 Afghanis in a month from her Garden.
Khadija, who is also a student while working in her Home Garden says In a situation where it is difficult to work even for men outside, we work in our own house and this is a great convenience for us
Because finding university expenses is not easy.
Khadija expressed satisfaction with the Ministry of Agriculture for building Home Gardens and creating job opportunities for women, and expressed hope that more Home Gardens would be built for women.
In addition to building Home Gardens for women in Faryab, the Ministry of Agriculture has also distributed equipment needed for the processing of some Agricultural and Household products to a number of women.
Abeda, a resident of Afghankot village in Maimana the capital of Faryab province, who produces and processes Jams, Pastes and wrenches with the help of the Ministry of Agriculture, says she now earns about 4,000 to 50,000 Afghanis a month. Apart from housework, I use the tools given to me to process Jams, Wrenches, Hammers and Pastes, which I sell and earn about 4,000 to 5,000 Afghanis a month by selling them.
She said that I am very happy to have a share in finding a living.
However, Abdul Kabir Farzam, head of the Faryab Agriculture Department says, building Home Gardens is one way to empower the women's economy in Faryab.In order to empower women, we have created Home Gardens, which have provided them with better production using small plots of land and new Technology to get more Yields and meet their needs from harvesting these Gardensshe said.
Mr. Farzam adds that in the last five years, more than 500 Home Gardens have been built by the Ministry of Agriculture in Faryab.
Because, the plans to build Home Gardens and distribute Prussian centers have made a significant contribution to the empowerment of Faryab women, we intend to develop this program in the coming years. and ask the Ministry of Agriculture and its partner institutions to work with us in this regard said Abdul Kabir Farzam.


تازه ترین اخبار

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