Media Gallery

Photos of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock's (MAIL) accountability program to the nation at Government Information and Media Center.

State Accountability Conference to the Nation

Large exhibition of saffron according to the picture

Herat's greenhouse yields have been increased this year compared to last year

Domestic products in Nangarhar agricultural exhibition

Kandahar Orange

Pridful production of Afghanistan: high quality saffron from Herat.

Supreme Economic Council’s Decisions

Cauliflower's farms in Kama district of Nangarhar province

Orange of Laghman narrated by picture.

The forests of Kunar province narrated by picture.

Greenhouses of tomatoes in capital of Laghman Province

MAIL has built 21 zero-energy apple storages in Daikundi province during the fiscal year 1399.

Clementine gardens in Kunar

Irrigation canals built by the Ministry of Agriculture in Nangarhar narrated by picture.

In financial year 1399, atotal of 64 zero energy storeges have been built in Kabul to maintain apples .
