Media Gallery

Women's handicrafts from jewelry to various national clothes, We are your host at Badam_ Bagh exhibition till the end of Thursday, the fifth of Hamal.

Dr. Anwar al-Haq Ahady,MAIL Minister Minister, visited the booths on second day of exhibition.

Sweeten your palate with home-made honey. agricultural products' exhibition at Badam-Bagh is open to everyone until the end of Thursday, the fifth of Hamal.

Saffron products, buy good quality saffron in 25th Saffron's agricultural products' exhibition. The exhibition is open to the public until the end of Thursday, fifth of Hamal.

The second day of 25th Agricultural Products' exhibition of 1400 according to the pictures.

The first day of Agricutural Products' exhibition in Badam Bagh, This exhibition lasts until Thursday the end of fifth of Hamal.

Scenes of entertainment in former's Festival and the beginning of the twenty-fifth day of the fifth Agricultural products' exhibition in Badam-Bagh.

Photos of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock's (MAIL) accountability program to the nation at Government Information and Media Center.

State Accountability Conference to the Nation

Large exhibition of saffron according to the picture

Herat's greenhouse yields have been increased this year compared to last year

Domestic products in Nangarhar agricultural exhibition

Kandahar Orange

Pridful production of Afghanistan: high quality saffron from Herat.

Supreme Economic Council’s Decisions

Cauliflower's farms in Kama district of Nangarhar province
