National Tree Plantation Campaign Kicks off Officially

The National Tree Plantation Campaign officially began on March 9, 2021 (Hoot 20, 1399), which coincides with the National Plantation Day in the national calendar.
Sher Shah Amiri, deputy minister for agriculture, irrigation, and livestock at MAIL, at the ceremony said that the Ministry of Agriculture with the comprehensive efforts of all its relevant departments has provided over 26 million saplings, which will be planted by different departments.
He added that according to our statistics seedlings prepared for plantation include fruitful and non-fruitful seedlings and ornamental plants, which will be planted across the country. Among these, the share of forest management department is nearly 2.5 million, share of partner institutions amounts to over one million, share of nursery association is over 18 million, adding that share of individuals also amounts to over five million seedlings.
According to Mr. Amiri, Kabul, Herat, Bamyan, Badghis, Nangarhar, and Helmand are among the leading provinces in producing and growing seedlings, which produce most saplings for the New Year.
Meanwhile the campaign has also been launched across the country by the provincial agriculture directorates and by the cooperation of people and relevant institutions.
Seedlings plantation has an effective impact on atmosphere, cleaning the air from pollution, protecting the environment, creating greenery, beauty and freshness, as well as absorbing the pollution.
It should be said that President Ashraf Ghani in 2019 (1398 Solar Year) with the aim of observing and implementing article 15 of the constitution, as well as developing green areas, promoting new methods of forest planting, given the importance of trees and forests in improving the environment and reduction of air pollution, issued a nine-article decree on seedlings plantation.
Based on the first article of this decree, March 9 (Hot 20) has been named the National Day of Plantation, and is celebrated every year.