

The view of the Ministry of Agriculture in the irrigation sector is different from that of the past. The ministry with the drip irrigation system, irrigation by solar energy, and irrigation with the modern approaches which result in reduction of water loses, is trying to increase production and reduce the need for water, which results to the economic growth of farmers and gardeners.

Drip irrigation system makes the products grow well and does not require lots of burden but it has lots of income. The method has been tested experimentally in most of the provinces. Irrigation with the solar energy has also widely been promoted. The introduction of land leveling technology or “laser leveling” has reduced land requirements for water, which the technology has been widely distributed to farmers during the course of the year.
In 2018 (1397 Solar Year), nearly 350 irrigation networks was built by the Ministry of Agriculture across the country and the same number will be built this year as well. These irrigation networks increase the production capacity of lands, increasing the land capacity by 25 percent and preventing water loses by 15 percent.