Contract Award Notice: Watershed Management (Protection & Conservation) in Kunduz and Takhar Provinces
د خپریدو نېټه
تاریخ ختم
Grant No. AFG/0362
Name of Project: Lower Kokcha Irrigation Scheme Project (LKISP-T2)
Contract Name: Watershed Management (Protection & Conservation) in Kunduz and Takhar Provinces
Contract No: MAIL/ADB/G0362/NGO-2
Donor: Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Ministry: Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL)
We are pleased to inform government entities and the consulting firms that the contract for “Watershed Management (Protection & Conservation) in Kunduz and Takhar Provinces (MAIL/ADB/G0362/NGO-2)” is going to be awarded to The Institute for Effective Governance and Stabilization with a contract amount USD 1,162,150.00 (One Million One Hundred Sixty-Two Thousand and One Hundred Fifty dollar).
If any firm submitted proposal have objection or aggrieved by the award decision may appeal in the manner prescribed in ADB’S Procurement Guidelines.
The appeal must be in writing clearly identify the package, and detail the nature against the decision. The appeal must be submitted to the Procurement Director for Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and Livestock, Mohmmadullah Saih within 7-days after publish of this notification. The appeal submitted after the stipulated time will not be considered.