Distributing of modified Wheat seeds to Samangani farmers at a cost of more than 15.19 Million Afghanis

یکشنبه ۱۳۹۹/۸/۲۵ - ۱۴:۴۱
Distributing of modified Wheat seeds to Samangani farmers at a cost of more than 15.19 Million Afghanis

Aqrab 25: November 15, 2020
The process of distributing modified seed Wheat to farmers in Samangan province began with the presence of Mohammad Dawood Kalkani, Governor, officials of Agriculture's Department and farmers.
"42 Metric Tons of modified seed Wheat seeds will be distributed to each farmer who has two Acres of irrigated land, 50 Kilograms of Wheat will be distributed to each farmer, said Mohammad Oman Hanifi, Director of Agriculture at the Department of Agriculture.
60% of the cost of these modified seeds is paid by the Ministry of Agriculture and only 40% by the farmers.
A 50-kilogram batch of modified Wheat costs 888.36 Afghanis per farmer.
The total value of the modified Wheat seeds distributed to Samangani farmers in this process is 15 Million 190 thousand and 956 Afghanis.
Modified seeds will be distributed to farmers to encourage, support, boost the economy and increase Wheat’s yields, said Samangan Governor Mohammad Dawood Kalkani, who praised the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock.
He called on farmers to pay more attention to the proper use of these Wheat and to obtain a satisfactory result.

تازه ترین اخبار

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کندز کې څه دپاسه شپږ زره مټریک ټنه اضافي غنم پېرل او زېرمه کېږي

۱۱ وږی ۱۴۰۳ه‍.ش
۲۸ صَفَر المُظَفَّر ۱۴۴۶ه‍.ق
د امیرالمؤمنین حفظه الله د فرمان له مخې، د کندز له ولایت څخه څه باندې شبږ زره مټریک ټڼه غنم پېرل او زېرمه کېږي، دغه غنم په نېغه له کرودګرو،. . .

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د کندهار دوو ولسوالیو کې د وټرنرۍ کلینیکونه ګټې اخيستنې ته وسپارل شول 

۱۱ وږی ۱۴۰۳ه‍.ش
۲۸ صَفَر المُظَفَّر ۱۴۴۶ه‍.ق
د کندهار د کرنې، اوبو لګولو او مالدارۍ ریاست سره په همغږۍ افغانستان لپاره د هالینډ کمیټې په تخنیکي همکارۍ د کندهار په سپین بولدک او غورک. . .

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د لوګر د کرنې رییس د سیاه کوه سیمې له مشرانو سره و کتل

۱۱ وږی ۱۴۰۳ه‍.ش
۲۸ صَفَر المُظَفَّر ۱۴۴۶ه‍.ق
د لوګر دکرنې، اوبولګولو او مالدارۍ رییس مولوي عبدالروف سعید، مرکز ته اړوند د سیاه کوه سیمې له مشرانو سره وکتل او د طبیعي ځنګلونو د قطع کولو. . .
