REoI: Consultant (individual) for Development of Pest Management Plan and a Pest- Management Training Plan for the fumigation system in Silos for SGRP


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For the position of “Consultant (individual) for Development of Pest Management Plan and a Pest-
Management Training Plan for the fumigation system in Silos for SGRP”

(International Consultant - INDIVIDUAL)

Publication Date: November 26, 2019
Project Name: Strategic Grain Reserve Project (SGRP)
Grant No.: D2070-AF – Project ID: P160606
REOI No. SGRP-GO-2019-0020
The Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) has received Grant under grant No. D2070-AF for financing from The World Bank toward the cost of the Strategic Grain Reserve Project (SGRP) of MAIL, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.

Project Background:

Agricultural production in Afghanistan consists mainly of wheat, horticulture, nuts, and poppy. Wheat accounts for more than 60 percent of total areas cultivated, with a total area of around 2.4 million hectares almost equally split between irrigated and rain-fed cultivation.  Wheat and its related activities such as logistics, and milling represents around 6.5 percent of the national GDP (with 70 percent comes from irrigated wheat). Average wheat consumption is about 160 Kg per capita per year; accounting for about 60 percent of caloric intake of the population. This places individual Afghans among the world’s top wheat consumers.
Recently, the Government of Afghanistan has developed an ambitious plan to achieve self -sufficiency of wheat within five years through increased productivity, and minimizing post -harvest losses, in parallel the government is prioritizing the establishment of a grain reserve to respond to these unforeseen shocks, mainly through purchase quantities of the locally grown wheat
As a response to such emergency situations such as a shortage of supply of wheat in the country, the Government of Afghanistan through the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock (MAIL) is planning to establish a Strategic Grain Reserve Project. Establishing such a reserve requires solid storage conditions and modernized facilities that can efficiently utilize storing the projected quantities of wheat.
The project will be implemented over five years, and will consist of three components; Component A: Institutional Infrastructure, Component B: Physical Infrastructure which include construction of five green field Silos and one warehouse for wheat storage and Component C is all about Project Management.

Requirement of PMP

The silos will be equipped with several ancillary facilities like fumigation system; fuel storage; mechanical handling system; generator as power back up system. For safe operation of fumigation system as per World Bank’s safeguard policy Environmental Assessment (OP/BP 4.01) and Pest Management (OP 4.09) it is compulsory to prepare Pest Management Plan. The WHO and USEPA have good guidelines and should be used for the Pest Management Plan for the grain reserves.

The plan should be designed to minimize potential adverse impacts on human health and the environment. The plan should be established based on ecological and specific on on-site evaluations of local conditions.

TOR for Consultancy Services

Task: Pest Management Plan (PMP)and PMP Training Plan for Fumigation system in Silos
Position/Level: Individual Consultant (international)
Location: Kabul Afghanistan with periodic travel to provinces
Duration: 37 days working days

Scope of the Assignment

The major tasks will include, but not necessarily limited to, the following activities:
•    Draft a comprehensive plan for Pest Management for fumigation system in Silos
•    The consultant is required to study all the relevant documents, such as SGRP ESMF, World Banks’s Policy for Pest Management, PMP developed by NHLP and AAIP and conduct consultation meeting with SGRP team, NEPA, the WB’s Environmental Specialist and TTL for the Project
•    The consultant is required to visit the silo site and talk to the silo staff and other stockholders
•    Specify the best chemical use as a fumigant in Silos (Wheat reserves) which has low or no hazardous effects on human health and environment (as per the WHO approved chemical list)
•    Specify the equipment used for fumigation system which can easily be imported to Afghanistan
•    Develop a Comprehensive Training Plan for the practical application of Pest Management Plan(PMP) and setup pest management strategy together with efficient and effectual Implementation Action Plan
•    Build the capacity of SGRP, SGRD, Silo staffs and fumigation system operators on Pest Management Plan and its practical application including the establishment of coordination system on PMP implementation with other relevant MAIL projects. The training should be highly participatory and engaging including role plays and group discussion

Note: Note that the above trainings will cover a total of 30 participants. Also note that the Pest Management Plan in the context of this TOR are specific to management of pests and diseases in Silos (Wheat reserves).

Contents of the Pest Management Plan

In consultation with the SGRP Project Director, ESM specialist and the World Bank team, the Consultant will prepare the PMP, addressing the following major issues, namely:
•    Pest Management approach
•    Best chemical used as fumigant
•    Best equipment used for fumigation system
•    Policy, regulatory Framework and institutional capacity, and
•    Monitoring and evaluation
•    Coordination system


The following deliverables will be expected in the course of the assignment;
•    A comprehensive Pest Management Plan
•    Illustrative training Plan for PMP
•    Training report & attendance lists for a week Training on PMP

Payment Schedule

Full payment will be paid to the consultant after the completion of assignment.

Consultant Qualification and Experience

Ideal candidates for the assignment should possess the following attributes;
•    A master’s degree in the agriculture with specialization in any of the following fields Crop Protection, Plant Pathology and Entomology or other relevant field. A PhD’s degree in similar fields will be preferred.
•    5 years’ relevant professional experience in developing Pest Management Plan.  
•    At least 7 years’ general working experience in biological pest/disease management options and other non-chemical pest/disease management methods.
•    Good team-worker, able to work in very challenging environment
•    Experience of working in developing countries or Afghanistan will be an advantage


The Consultant will submit the following reports:
•    Inception Report after 5 days of signing the contract to show the consultant has understood the ToR and has the right approach.
•    The first phase draft PMP discussed during the 1st stakeholder’s consultation
•    The recommendations made by the 1st stakeholders consultation
•    The second phase draft PMP discussed during the 2nd stakeholder’s consultation
•    The recommendations made by the 2nd stakeholders meeting
•    The Final PMP with incorporation off all the comments.

•    Capacity building training report at the end of training assignment

The Strategic Grain Reserve Project (SGRP) of Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, now invites eligible consultants ("Individual Consultants") to indicate their interest in providing the Services.

(A)           The REOI can be submitted in an envelope or through e-mail.
(B)           The short-listing criteria is as following:

1.    A master’s degree in the agriculture with specialization in any of the following fields Crop Protection, Plant Pathology and Entomology or other relevant field. A PhD’s degree in similar fields will be preferred.

2.    At least 7 years’ general working experience in biological pest/disease management options and other non-chemical pest/disease management methods.

3.    5 years’ relevant professional experience in developing Pest Management Plan.

Note:- The candidates that could not meet the minimum qualification will not be considered for further steps of the hiring process.

 The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank's Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants [under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants] by World Bank Borrowers, January 2011 ("Consultant Guidelines"), setting forth the World Bank's policy on conflict of interest. In addition, please refer to the following specific information on conflict of interest related to this assignment: as per paragraph 1.9 of Consultant Guidelines. 

A Consultant will be selected based on qualification.

    (a)    While submitting the expression of interest (EoI) kindly make sure to attach your CV, Educational  Documents and a copy of similar contract/s.

For receiving soft copy of the TOR please contact Mr. Ahmad Waleed Khawar, Senior Procurement Specialist of the Procurement Directorate through the address reflected below, during office hours -08:00 till 16:00 hours.; and; copying

Expressions of interest must be delivered to the addresses mentioned above by (December 19, 2019 at 1300 Hrs Kabul Afghanistan Local Time)

Consultancy Services Department
Procurement Directorate
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
Attn: Mr. Ahmad Waleed Khawar, Senior Procurement Specialist of NHLP.
Jamal Mina Kabul University Road, Kabul, Afghanistan