Contract Award Notice: Implementation Support Consultant (MAIL/HVCDSP/CONS-001)


د خپریدو نېټه

تاریخ ختم

Contract Award Notice

Grant No. 0620 AFG

Name of Project: Horticulture Value Chain Development Sector Project (HVDSP)

Contract Name:  Implementation Support Consultant (ISC)

Contract No: MAIL/HVCDSP/CONS-001

Donor: Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Ministry: Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL)

We are pleased to inform government entities and the consulting firms that the contract for “Implementation Support Consultant (MAIL/HVCDSP/CONS-001)” is going to be awarded to Societa Italiana di Monitoraggio Srl in association with Agrotec SpA, CIRI-Agrifood (University of Bologna) and Afghan Tarin Engineering Services with a contract amount USD 3,723,096.00(Three Million Seven Hundred Twenty-Three Thousand Nighty Six).

If any firm submitted proposal have objection or aggrieved by the award decision may appeal in the manner prescribed in ADB’S Procurement Guidelines.

The appeal must be in writing clearly identify the package, and detail the nature against the decision. The appeal must be submitted to the Procurement Director for Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and Livestock, Mohmmadullah Saih within 14-days after publish of this notification. The appeal submitted after the stipulated time will not be considered.

