From agriculture to Law and from Law to farms; Nazifa is the owner of a producing Firm

From agriculture to Law and from Law to farms;
Nazifa is the owner of a producing Firm
Dehqan Weekly / Ashraf Tabish
Nazifa Hofiani was born in (1352) in capital of Parwan province. She studies is a law and is an agricultural activist. Nazifa had been very interested and has had special passion in agriculture since she was a child. Her affection and too much passion in agriculture caused her to spend her entire childhood alone on green farms. No girl in the village was interested like her in farming to become her childhood playmate. She narrated and stated her interest in agriculture, greenery, and farming, and said, "When my dad and his other fellows of our village were planting vegetable in the village so I would go to see the vegetables every-single-day and was looking that how much they were growing, adding that her childhood and hobbies were allocated to seeing vegetables and flowers."
Because of having a deep passion to agriculture and greenery, her friends and family members had given her title of a "farmers", her friends and relatives were calling her and making fun of her by calling her farmer just to bother her, according to her speeches, “These words were not just jokes they were using them to insult her somehow.”
Ms. Hofiani grew up and comes from and open-minded family and their economy had been intermediate. Her dad believed her aptitude from the beginning, a child who was showing interest to agriculture and who prefers to remove weeds from farms instead of playing with dolls is not an ordinary.
No toy as a child could give her tranquility as much as the flowers of her village. Her father has always been her supporter and encourager. Hofiani says that my father supported me in all circumstances. In times of war and peace, my future was a serious concern and priority for my father. Sometimes, if we accepted immigration, one of the factors was my future.
Mrs. Hofiani is one of the happiest girls in this community who has not seen many obstacles in her way to go to school and work outside the home. She has completed her school in Parwan province and after passing national entrance exam (Kankoor) was succeeded in agriculture faculty of Kabul University due to her interest in agriculture. When she decided to study agriculture, it is whispered among the people that Nazifa is really a peasant. She became known as a peasant among her friends and was given this name "Nazifa Dehghan".
Hofiani, in addition to her great interest in this profession since childhood, doubles her access to agriculture, allusions and jokes against her. She was hearing so many insinuations from her friends and those around her, finally she is obliged to reconsider his field of study and left this phenomenal filed. After leaving agriculture, she pursued her higher education in law in Parwan province. Nazifa admits that at the time, the peasantry of a young lady and her work on a farm were unacceptable and surprising to public opinion. According to her, this kind of view caused her to reconsider her field of study.
She finally graduated from Law and Political Science faculty, after graduating she was struggling to forget her childhood aspiration and wanted not to think about it anymore.
Yet, her feeling and interest was so deep which made her to go back to farming.
Nazifa established an institution in (2008) to coordinate her plans. Besides being an agricultural lady, she also had special skills in sewing and needlework. She said, "I could have made a living from sewing income, but my inner interest and motivation did not allow me to enter the job systematically, but it was the interest of a child who draws me to the farm every day". In an unexpected decision, she headed back to the farm, it was different this time with a vast perspective, and she took primary steps.
Ms. Hofiani first established Vocational Training and Agricultural Services Firm. With the establishment of it, she commenced her work from production and processing of paste, wrenches and jams. For the first time, she participated in Badam- Bagh Agricultural Exhibition, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) with her handicraft products. Contrary to her expectations, her products were welcomed by visitors in this exhibition and she got good money by selling it. After getting her products welcomed, she gets ready for greater missions. She feels that if she can offer quality products in the market, she will be welcomed by the community and the people. In addition to paying attention to the quality of her products, Hofiani also thinks about its quantity and enhances its production. With passing each day, she becomes more familiar with the market situation. During this time, she feels that there is no place for a natural and native fruit juice in the market. In an admirable move, she buys a juicer. By launching a fruit juice production company, it can give a new boost to its life and create jobs for several others in this company.
Ms. Hofiani has taken a different path with such twists and turns to achieve her childhood goals. Those who at first ridiculed him for her inclination to farming are now watching her achievements. She hopes that by launching such programs, she will provide the ground for the growth and self-sufficiency of rural women.
The most interesting part of this story is when her children, when they grow up and enter society, strongly oppose their mother's work and try to stop her and her activities, but Nazifa proves to be so successful in her work that today her children are with her. They handle a large parts of the company such as sales, marketing and product promotion.
In addition to providing a good and happy life for her family, Mrs. Hofiani has created several permanent jobs in her company for other family members. She is one of painstaking and successful women farmers who has been able to reach a production company from a very small capital with a lot of hard work.
Hofiani is now not just an innovative child in one of Charikar village, She is a good mother to her children, a good person to the community and a successful businessman and entrepreneur in the field of agricultural products. The story of her tumultuous life can be a model and motivation for thousands of girls in this society who are constantly struggling to achieve their aspirations.