Community Based Agriculture and Rural Development (CBARD)


Community-Based Agriculture and Rural Development (CBARD) is a community-based project aimed at reducing opium poppy production. It does this through supporting production and marketing of high-value crops in 163 communities in Farah, Badghis and Nangarhar provinces, the largest opium producers.

In addition to supporting farmers and increasing production, CBARD builds and improves new and existing irrigation systems. Project activities also include strengthening community councils and the establishment of greenhouses, raisin houses and zero-energy cool stores.


Improving local and household economies and reducing reliance on poppy cultivation through the production and promotion of high-value agricultural products in Farah, Badghis, and Nangarhar.

Project Location

  • Farah
    Khak-e Safed and Posht-e Rod
  • Badghis
    Bala Murghab, Ghormach, Jawand and Qadis
  • Nangarhar
    Achin, Chaparhar, Rodat, Sherzad, Kot, and Khogyani


Alternative Development

To increase the production level more than 40 to 50 percent, CBARD establishes high and medium density orchards, micro and commercial greenhouses, vegetable and fruit processing centers, distributes honeybee production kits, harvesting, packaging and marketing tools to its beneficiaries. Project beneficiaries, in addition to the activities mentioned above, also benefit from farmer field schools, technical assistances and exposure visits.

These activities are aimed at raising the level of production, centralizing work efficiency and agricultural operations to increase product quality, multi-seasonal productivity and increasing the efficiency of agricultural resources. Training on modern agricultural practices has been proven to be impactful in growing farmers’ income and high yield from small land.

Experiences show that supporting farmer women helps lessen the burden on men in families and improve the household economy. CBARD project has dedicated activities for women with destitute households and has established kitchen gardens, micro-greenhouses and honeybee production kits in Farah, Badghis and Nangarhar provinces.


Largest portion of Afghanistan population live in rural areas and rely on agriculture, and water is one of the vital elements in agriculture, which threatened by drought and climate change. To maintain this vital source, CBARD project builds new canals, water dividers, mills and irrigation structures. These structures are designed to reduce waste of time in cleaning the canals, covering more land for irrigation and preventing water conflicts.

CBARD project in its provinces, builds protection walls, intakes and siphons to protect agricultural lands from floods.

Construction of raisin houses, commercial centers and commercial greenhouses are part CBARD project’s infrastructural activities.

Project Achievements

Establishment of 1593 jeribs of new orchards in Farah and Badghis provinces

Establishment of 44 medium and high-density orchards in the provinces of Badghis & Farah

Establishment of 85 vermicompost production units in Farah & Badghis provinces.

Establishment of 468 commercial greenhouses in Farah & Badghis Provinces.

Construction of 63 water management structures in the provinces of Badghis & Farah.

Establishment of 570 kitchen gardens

Establishment of 523 micro-greenhouses

Distribution of 624 Vegetable Processing Kits

Distribution of 180 honeybee production kits

Construction of 109 commercial greenhouses for Aloe-vera

39 Raisin houses in Farah province

Distribution of 624 packaging equipment