The first standard and modern animal slaughter-house exploited in Herat

Wed, Jun 02 2021 3:31 PM
The first standard and modern animal slaughter-house exploited in Herat

Jawza 12: June 2, 2021
The first modern and standard slaughterhouse for animals was exploited in this province by Hashmatullah Ghafouri, deputy minister of irrigation and natural resources of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) and Seyed Vahid Qatali, governor of Herat.
Mr. Ghafouri, at exploitation ceremony of slaughterhouse said,” This slaughterhouse was built at a cost of 6 million $ with ADB grant in 25 acres of land."
He further said that the slaughterhouse has the capacity to slaughter and process 100 cows and 500 goats and sheep in each shift.
The mentioned slaughter-house is equipped with advanced technology and has various sections such as slaughterhouse, laboratory, cold-storage, refrigerated trucks for transporting meat, packing center and proper management of animal products.
The construction of such slaughterhouses assists to create job opportunities, protect butchers, preserve the environment and provide food security, and add value to meat products.
Herat is one of the most significant agricultural provinces in the country which has a good position in production of various agricultural and livestock products.


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