A woman who got a Million AFN from selling her Handicrafts

Hamal: 8 March 28, 2021
She looks and appears energetic and pleased in front of Camera. Saying that last year, she and her female colleagues got about a million AFN from selling her own handicrafts.
Her name is Malika who lives in Darulaman (PD 3) of Kabul. She said that she provided pickles, jams, honey and saffron, and by doing this work she provided job opportunities for ten other women.
She had participated in Badam-Bagh Agricultural Products’ Exhibition, said, “Lunching exhibition is a good opportunity to market and sell the products of farmers and artisans.
In three days of exhibition, She has earned more than 30,000 AFN from selling jams, saffron, honey and pickles, she works in t saffron, honey, jam and pickle sectors. Her family is consisted of nine persons and she provided their expenses by dealing with this job. According to her, 30 bottles of pickles and honey is produced daily by her and has 300 beehives.
She and her colleagues work under the name "Lady Peasant". She said she started her business with 30,000 AFN and was engaged only in selling the saffron, and has been busy in providing honey, pickles and jams for a year. Only in year 1399.She earned one million AFG from selling her products.