1,862 Acres of orchards built in Nangarhar this year

Jadi 17: January 6, 2021
Officials from Nangarhar Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock say that they have built fruit orchards in the province to promote horticulture.
Enamullah Safi, director of agriculture in Nangarhar province, said, “National Horticulture and Livestock Project in Nangarhar had built 1,862 acres of new orchards in fiscal year 1399, which among other fruits, included evergreen or sturgeon trees.
In addition to building this amount of gardens, training programs have been launched for gardeners and they have been provided with related equipment and chemical fertilizers.
The mentioned directorate added that they are struggling to build fruit orchards in the province and provide theoretical and practical training to gardeners so that the province will be closer to self-sufficiency in the construction of orchards and fruit production.