450,000 seedlings of Citrus produced in Nangarhar this year

Tue, Jan 05 2021 10:10 AM
امسال ۴۵۰ هزار نهال ستروس در ننگرهار تولید شده است

Jadi 15: January 4, 2021
The Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) through SNAP2 project, has produced more than 450,000 sturgeon seedlings in seedling production centers in Nangarhar province.
About 100,000 of these seedlings have been produced in two greenhouses and another 350,000 have been produced outdoors.
Rahmatgul Sirat, in charge of the SNAP2 and CLAP projects of (MAIL) in Nangarhar, said, “Two nurseries of sturgeon are located in Behsood and the rest in other districts of the province.” He added that one hundred thousand of these seedling are produced in two greenhouses in Behsood district and 350 thousand of nurseries are produced outdoors and which are lemon and clementine, which results in a good market. Indoor galleries cover a total of two acres, and open space covers five acres of land each.
According to Mr. Sirat, each of the indoor pots produces about 50,000 lemon and clementine bushes, and these seedlings are ready to be distributed and will be distributed to gardeners during the planting season. These pots are equipped with a solar irrigation system and are irrigated as standard.
The director of (SNAP2) project of MAIL in the East Zone says that in these centers, dozens of gardeners have been trained in irrigation, production, cultivation and maintenance of seedlings on how to produce and maintain improved and good quality seedlings. According to him, the seedlings are certified free of pests and diseases and are located in 11 districts of Nangarhar, the purpose of creating these nurseries is to provide productive and improved gardens he said. All its maintenance and protection equipment is also distributed to gardeners and is equipped with a solar system. This project intends to produce peach and plum bushes in the same series in the next seasons.
The project manager added, "We have taken this action for the shortage of seedlings, since gardeners had issues due to lack of seedlings in the past.”
Raz Mohammad is one of the landowners whose land has been turned into a seedling village, and is in charge of one of the villages in Kiva district said, that it has been a year that I have been busy doing this work and have given one of my lands to the Directorate of agriculture of Nangarhar to produce seedlings in it and I work with 5 other people. He added that the good thing about this plant is that it is indoors, disease-free and free of pests. I expect to produce 60,000 shrubs from it.
Eastern Provinces is a good breeding ground for sturgeon orchards. With the production of these seedlings, lemon and clementine orchards are to be created in Laghman, Nangarhar and Kunar provinces.

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