With construction of an irrigation Network in Nangarhar, the production of 800 hectares of land dived into two seasons.

Sun, Dec 27 2020 1:45 PM
با ساخت یک شبکه آبیاری در ننگرهار، حاصل‌دهی هشت‌صد هکتار زمین دو فصله شد

Jadi 7: December 27, 2020
With the construction of the "Bandi" irrigation network in Kuzkenar district of Nangarhar province, the beneficiaries of this network will now get two seasons of their agricultural lands in one year.
This 1,450-meter-long network was built this year and has irrigated more than 800 hectares of land.The land around this network used to produce one season, but with the completion of the construction of the "Bandi" irrigation network, it now produces two seasons. It is predicted that with the construction of this network, the production of  beneficiaries of this channel will be increased by 20%.

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۱۳ سلواغه ۱۴۰۳ه‍.ش
۳ شَعبان المُعَظّم ۱۴۴۶ه‍.ق
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