Parwan Cucumber Yields Increase by 16 Percent

Thu, Jun 25 2020 10:55 AM
Parwan Cucumber Yields Increase by 16 Percent
Saratan 4: 24 Jun 2020
Officials of Parwan Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock says, their prediction shows that Cucumber yields have increased in the province by 16 percent and will reach to 2557 Metric Tons this Year.
Abdul Wahab Khairzad head of Parwan's Agriculture Department said that Cucumber yields have increased due to, increase of Cultivated area, Technical Guidance to the Farmers, controlling of plant diseases, pests and Ideal Climatic.
Mr. Khairzad adds that 825 Hectares of land has been allocated for planting Cucumber and about 2,557 metric tons of cucumber will be achieved this Year.
According to his Speech 2,765 Hectares of land was cultivated last year, Which caused to harvest ,130 metric tons.
Abdul Wahab Khairzad says a comparison of the area under cultivation shows that the number of cucumber products will increase by 16 percent this year.
Meanwhile, Nooruddin one of the farmers from Davood Village in central Parwan province said the products on the farm seemed good this year.
He said the good yields have been increased very well and from 16th of Hamal to now we will harvest the cucumber.
He said that they sold 7 kilos of cucumber at 170 AFG.
According to him cucumber has a special reputation in Parwan province which is known as Cucumber of Charikar.
He says that Cucumber of Parwan has a special greed and fragrance that is in High demand in Kabul and local markets.
He said that a large amount of it is bought by travellers on the Kabul-North highway.
Sayed Amir a farmer in the village of Tilangi in the Centre of Parwan who cultivated cucumber at one acre of land said Charikar cucumbers have special name and test, there for most people liked it.
Presenting Technical Advice to farmers on growing and producing vegetables, Introducing methods of combating diseases and Plant Pests, creating greenhouses by various projects related to the Ministry of Agriculture are the main activities that the Parwan Agriculture's Department promotes and enhances for high-quality production of cucumber and some Other vegetables grown in the province.

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